1 . Talk to your friends your teaches and your parents a special place for meeting with people to help fix climate change . get your teachers and parents to help . Get your school to join as a group.

2 . Know what damage you are doing . It is not much use trying to change something if you are part of the problem or you do not understand what it is all about .There are places on the web you can look . Watch out do not believe all you read or see . not everybody tells the truth .

3 . Why drive when you can walk ? If your family owns a car get them to use it less wlak to places that is close buy , if you need to travel further than you can walk make all your trips at one time if you can .
4 . Make your own climate . Turn the heating down in winter if you are cold , wear more clothes . My mama dress us in layers . Turn the air conditioning down in summer or use a fan . Hot tip from a cool penquin . When it is hot dress cool when it is cool dress hot .
5 . Reduce reuse recycle remember your 3 Rs . Reduce is the most important , it you do not buy so much stuff in the first place then you do not need to reuse or recycle . Reuse whatever you can , if you can not reuse something , recycle it .

7 . PSST ! Do not keep this a secret the future could be tradable . This one cool secret which a lot of grown ups do not seem to know about so the kids must tell everyone . Do not put it off if you do not know what TEQs , also called DTQs are . I did not know either . But they look like a fair way to help slow global warming and energy shortages . Get your head round TEQs and then be sure to tell everyone . Way to go .
Polar Bear facts for grown ups most kids are learning
Arctic is my home I love swimming I am a giant I wear a thick coat seals are yummy I have a sharp nose my fur reflects white my home is mealting help . Global warming is affecting polar bears by melting away sheets of arctic ice which are their floating hmoes and hunting grounds . Polar bears are also poached for their meat by men .
I want to think my daddy for helping me with my pictures . I want to thank aunt Jeannie for all the information she gives me and for telling my mama about the polar bears .
Listen up Polar Bear Cubs , there are a lot of endangered speices you can pick your own . Lets get out there and show the grown ups how it is done .
Thank you Jennifer Carano 3rd grade and 8 years old .
Dear Jenny
ReplyDeleteWhat a terrific and cool speech and I love all the pictures. I bet the videos were really good too. You gave a lot of very good advice honey. If people didn't learn something from all the information you gave them then they are not very smart.
It's hard to teach grownups new things but WOW!you sure gave it a good try. VERY WELL DONE my Crusader and all your loyal knights, including Daddy.
And I thank you from my heart for going to all the trouble of typing it all out and struggling with the pictures just so I could see it. I will keep a copy of it forever.
It was a great idea to let people know about the Department of Environmental Quality if they want to know how to help.
The Louisiana department also has a hotline which you can call if you are worried about something environmental or you see someone dumping trash somewhere.
This is the website of the Louisiana DEQ http://www.deq.louisiana.gov/portal/Default.aspx?tabid=82
You and your knights are my heroes.And I know Nanook is roaring with pride for you. Maxy just told me he is proud of you too.He is very environmentally smart. He cleans up all the rabbit poo in our yard.
Lots of love and gold stars...Aunt Jeannie
Dear Jenny,
ReplyDeleteI confess to being a bit confused by DEQ, DTQ and TEQ.
But I think you may have been referring to Tradeable Energy Quotas. I don't know much about it but I think people could get rewards from the government if they reduce their carbon footprint and save energy.
It's an idea that could work.
LOve Aunt Jeannie
Aunt Jeannie
ReplyDeleteI am glad you like my speech . I have lots of fun when rhe grownups ask me or the Cubs questions . Daddy copy my pictures of my poster boards the way I paste them on . I did the writing .
Mama said people need to know about global warming and it will help nanook too .
Teq is in my book poppa got me on how we can help stop global warming . Mama say if everybody do just a little bit it will help the planet .
Thank you aunt Jeannie for helping me I love you very much and sending you a lot of hugs and kisses on a rainbow . Poppa say you like rainbows the colors are so pretty . My brothers and sister is sending you love . Love you
Jeannie ,
ReplyDeleteJen was so proud you liked her post and as you know I had to make a copy of your comment for her to take to Mr. Edwards (her teacher).
Dad bought Jen a book to share with her group about 'Tradeable Enegry Quotas' . People can get rewarded for installing equipment to save energy .
I was quite surprise not many people knew or heard about it . As my dad says wisdom comes out the mouths of babes if we (ground-ups) would only take the time to listen (smiling).
Thank you for caring for my kids .