Thursday, May 14, 2015

Food for Thought : Well Equipped Kitchen

Take  a shopping  trip  to a home or  kitchen supply store ( I did  recently with  my daughter) and you may start to feel  overwhelmed .
The large selection  of  specialized  tools  and  gadgets  can evoke  a feeling  of  nervousness  and  confusion . Having  a properly equipped  kitchen  with  the  tools  you need  to prepare  nutritious  and  delicious meals isn't  as hard (or  expensive) as  you may think .  Here  are  a few  tips  to  get your  kitchen stocked  and  ready  for  preparing  wonderful  meals. 

1 .  Make sure your  cabinets , drawers and  shelves  are  clean :
You should  wipe  them down  on a regular  basis  with a sanitizing  solution  and  let them air  dry . The  best  tools  and  gadgets  aren't  any good  if  they spread  bacteria  and  germs . Make  sure  you clean sinks  and  drains , too .

2 .   Knives  stored  in a  butcher  block :
May  look  attractive  on  your  counter  , but  you  really only  need  three basic  types  of  knives  . A  chef's knife (about  10 inches  long ) , a serrated  knife  and  a paring  knife  . When  buying  knifes  , look for  ones  that feel  comfortable  and  natural in your  hands . Purchasing  good  quality knives  a good  investment . 

3 .   Cutting  boards  made  from plastic :
They are  inexpensive  and  durable . They are  also  easy  to clean . Look  for  mixing  bowls  that nest  inside  each  other  to save  space . These  are  usually  very inexpensive  and  will last a long  time . 

4 .   Quality  cookware is  important :
You don't  have  to purchase  an expensive  set . But only  the  pieces  you need  or  think  you will use . While  non-stick  cookware  can be  good  for  those  who are  just learning  to cook ,  you must make  sure  to take  proper  care  of  it . Never  use  metal  utensils  on coated  cookware  if  the  coating  is  starting  to  chip  away .

5 .   As  you  are  building  your  kitchen  inventory :
Buy  items  slowly  and  on  an as  needed  basis  . Adding  to  your  inventory slowly  will give  you time  to learn  to use  the new  tool  and  you will  be  less likely to become  overwhelmed .

Words of Wisdom :

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.

A wise man once said you  must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors .

Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

A proud  grand-poppa 


  1. Poppa , Aunt Anita told mama you and uncle Harvey have started stealing from everyone , they both laugh , aunt Anita said her knives are famous now . MeMa say daddy has no control over his older 3 boys , they love getting into trouble , MeMa say daddy need to take the out to the wood shed . Poppa we laugh when you told MeMa she can take him out to the woodshed , MeMa got her fly swatter and you took off , you and MeMa is so funny .
    Your post is nice and we like it , poppa school will be out soon we are excited . Poppa , mama said where is her cussing wineo and Man went and told daddy mama wanted him , it was so funny when daddy asked mama what she wanted , everyone just laugh and Jerry told mama Man thought she was talking about daddy when she asked where was her cussing wineo .
    We love you poppa , Mama made some cheesecakes for after dinner .
    Wrote by Sha

  2. G.
    You always have interesting posts , everyone at Human Resources look forward to them each week and we just love ask Maxy , wise dog .
    Now the roving reporter has very interesting posts .
    G. you and Harvey get into so much stuff and now you got Sal following you three guys .
    Nee has so much patience with you guys .
    I do admire her because she do not suffer fools , you get on her bad side and there you stay . I learn from her not to let people push me around and stand up for what I believe .
    Keep up the good work G.

  3. G.
    You made some good points . I taught Nan and Nee to always keep their kitchens and bathrooms as clean as possible , the rest of the house will take care of itself .
    The quote of infuse your life with action is a true saying and more people should try it . You can't pretend the problems are not there , they will only get bigger . So nip it in the bud as soon as possible and you will have less headaches later on .
    Made some skillet cookies for you guys .


Come on in , set awhile and have a cup of tea and cookies , as always you are welcome .