Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Food for Thought : Testing Week for Our Area Students

Hello  my  friends .
You may have heard this week is testing week  for our area students . Eating  a healthy breakfast  will help set  you for a day of eating . A healthy breakfast  is important for kids year-round  , but a well-balance breakfast  is especially  important  on tasting days . Children who eat  breakfast  are significantly  less likely to be over weight . School breakfast improves test  results  as well as well as memory  and verbal skills . It may seem  convenient  to grab  prepackaged  foods or go  through a drive-through  , but in the long  run  , these options  will end up costing you  more money  and most likely  do not contribute  to long-term health  goals . Avoid products  that are  made with abundance  of added sugars  and fat . Although  these can provide  immediate energy  , later sugar  and insulin  levels  will fall , creating periods  of extreme  tiredness . Here are a few  tips  to help you and your  child  have a healthy breakfast .
Plan ahead :
When you plan your meals  for the week , make sure  you include breakfast . Many breakfast  options  can be made  ahead  for the week or several days ,
Have  a portable Breakfast :
In Case you are running  late  have a portable breakfast  ready to  go . Portion  out  dry cereal  or chopped fruit  into sandwich bags . Buy  single-serve  yogurt  and fruit  cups  . All of these are  great when  you are in a hurry .
Think outside the box :
Turkey or peanut  butter  sandwiches  make  a good quick breakfast .
 Words Of Wisdom :              
                9 Things I Hate About Everyone
1.            People who point at their wrist asking for the time... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?
2.           People who are willing to get off their a** to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.
3.          When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn Right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?
4.          When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?
5.           When people say while watching a film, "did ya see that?" No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor!
6.           People who ask "Can I ask you a question?"... Didn't give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?
7.           When something is 'new and improved'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.
8.            When people say "life is short". What the hell??? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!!! What can you do thats longer?
9.           When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?" If the bus came, would I be standing here?

A proud  grand-poppa                  G.


  1. Howdy Dad,
    What a great post and I do think you so much ... you know how to work for your pay and you are a very lovable guy ... I promise I will not tell anyone Hahaha !!! Thanks Dad .
    Your only daughter ...
    Love you dear Dad

    1. Hello Daughter , the light of my life . I learn how to work it by watching you work your magic on my son . You do it real well (laughing my butt off).I will help anyway I can , I am trying to make this a weekly thing on this 'Red Thing.'
      Love you too Daughter

  2. Never permitted our girls to leave the house in the morning without breakfast! All three earned scholarships for college!

    1. Hello my dear lady , that's a good thing , people is like cars , they run better on a full tank of gas .

  3. That was an awesome post HB,
    Lots of good advice in there and very funny 'words of wisdom'. You are getting too good at this. We need you to help give advice on Maxy.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend with the two birthday parties. You'll have a struggle controlling that sweet tooth with two butter cakes and other goodies floating around. Oh well,'life is short'...Hahaha!
    I miss you, Butterfly.

    1. Hello My little Butterfly ,
      Thank you very much for the encouragement , my head is growing by leaps and bounds (laughing my butt off).
      I would love to help on Maxy . I will be going out of town on the 20th to Las Vegas to visit my friend's grave . Not sure , think Gil is going to look things over in Reno . We will be going to Baton Rouge the second week in May .
      I miss you too , HHH aka HB G.

  4. Poppa , you are so funny , mama going to spank your musty butt for saying bad words , mama fuss at daddy this evening and daddy laugh and say baby he learn them from her and gave her a kiss . mama roll her eyes and smile . poppa mama give us a good breakfast we told mama to fix our breakfast like you do and she said maybe she will let you bake Jenny cake and jenny said no mama you bake it and let poppa steal it . Poppa we love your post and we love you .
    Kisses poppa you are so funny.

    1. Hello poppa wonderful grand's , I have a new hiding place and I do not say bad words , that is your daddy . I do so think your mama likes to push your daddy buttons so he will get the goofy look . Not to worry , everyone is baking Jenny cakes and I will keep one pink at the house for us . Your mama is baking 3 .
      Kisses back at you guys and I love you too .

  5. Hey Dad,
    Very interesting indeed (your post) I know you are a very interesting fellow and if I have to find you and the truck again , something else on you will be not only be interesting , it will be sore as well .
    Your loving son (smiling)

    1. Hey my son of mine . (laughing my butt off) Son , I dare say that is your job , Are you saying my feet will be sore from walking from the corner store , now son I will just take that little wife of yours with me next time and when I see you coming I will tell her to shake her booty and you will forget your name . I love you my son .

  6. Great job G. you should take Jeannie's offer about the advice on Maxy , you are a whiz at stealing and telling people what to do . I heard Gil caught you and Harvey at the corner store this morning hanging out . G. that boy is going to tan your hide . No sense running , I seen him jogging . G. you should do this each week and help the ladies out .

    1. Hello Little Devil , I am giving it some thought , They may fire me after the first couple of times (laughing my butt off).
      Joanna my dear lady as long as Susan tells me when you make pies or cakes , I will think about it because I know they need help if only you tell them how to do it .
      Coming from you Joanna that means a lot .

  7. G. I think you have another winner , you put a lot of thought into your posts . I agree with Joanna about the advice . Why you ask ? Employees from HR come to you for advice and lots of them from the compound seeks your advice , I know you have helped Harvey and I so much . I think your post is wonderful . By the way G. I started reading Maxy when the Lady Nana was giving advice and I enjoyed it tremendous , so as your darling daughter say to Gil , lets see what you got 'Big Boy .'

    1. Hello Jean and Harvey . I will have to negotiate on the pay , my son told me now to take any wooden nickels and do not sign anything until he looks it over . What do he know , he can't cook cakes or pies and she shake her butt at him he forgets his name ( laughing until I cry ) I am thinking OL .

  8. Hi Poppa ,
    What a great post and you always hit 'Food for Thought' head on . I agree with MeMa Poppa take The Genie up on her offer , you know you like telling people what to do and how to do it . Lets see what will happen . Lynn said she has some peanut butter cookies . come get them . Thanks for sharing ;-D .

    1. Thank you so very much and Emil says such wonderful things about you for that I am so pleased . Emil told me you told him you was going to be in charged of the lunchroom .
      I will think about it if they get any questions that need my advice .
      Lynn is a character , she loves to share , just one thing wrong , when you take a bite she wants a bite . I had lunch there today and it was good Hmmm Hmmm .


Come on in , set awhile and have a cup of tea and cookies , as always you are welcome .