Saturday, November 9, 2013

Food for Thought :What;s for Dinner ?

What's For Dinner ?

Nearly everything you eat comes from a plant or animal . Meat , fish , eggs and dairy foods are all animal products . Most of these foods come from farms .

Some of the food you eat may be locally raised , but much of it comes from faraway places . Some foods that you eat regularly , such as bananas , even come from other countries .

Plants take out of the soil and air to make their own food . The substances they contain , including sugars , starches and minerals , nourish us when we eat them . When we eat animal products , we are getting these same nutrients indirectly , becaust animals eats plants , too.
Many different parts of a plant can be eaten :

During an ordinary dinner , you might eat leaves , stems , roots , flowers , fruits and seeds ! If you don't believe it , think about those leaves you had for dinner the other night (lettuce) . In your salad , you might also have enjoyed some delicious stems (celery) , roots (carrots) and bulbs (onions). If your meal included broccoli or caulifower , you were actually eating flowers .

Grains such as wheat , corn and rice are seeds of grass plants . We eat grain in many forms . Wheat is usually ground into flour , which is used for baked goods . Corn may be eaten whole or ground . We usually eat rice whole , either with or without its browm husk.
Meat is the flesh of an animal :

The meat we usually eat is muscle , although other parts , such as liver , are some times eaten as well . Cattle (beef and veal) , pigs (pork) , chickens and turkeys are he most common food animals in the United States . We also eat fish and other types of seafood . Other animal products nclude eggs , diary foods and gelatin.

A fruit by any other name :When is a fruit not a fruit :

"Fruit " actually decribes the part of a plant that contains the seeds . By that definition , tomatoes , cucumbers and eggplants are fruits . We usually call them vegetables , however , and use the word "fruit" only for the sweet-tasting plants . A vegetable is an edible plant part other than the fruit .

Words of Wisdom:
It's been proven that if you can't take a joke , you will have to take medicine .

A merry heart does  good like a medicine , so when you laugh , it does your hert good . That's why humor is good  just for the health of it .

Politicians  are like tea bags , they are not worth much  until they have been  put through hot water .

The tongue  is the thermometer  that tell the temperature  of the person .

Marriage : An investment that pays you dividends if you pay interest .
A very proud  Grandpoppa               G.


  1. Hi HB,
    I really enjoyed this post. Lots of good information. People don't give much thought to what they are eating or where it came from.

    I agree 100% with the words of wisdom that imply humor is important to good health.

    When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness. Laughter also triggers healthy physical responses. It strengthens your immune system, boosts your energy, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, it's free.

    Luv and hugs Butterfly

  2. Hello dear Butterfly,
    I enjoy doing this post , people should be aware of what they eat , that way they will be kind to their bodies .

    When you laugh , others will laugh with you , when you cry , you cry along and yes it is all free.

    Thank you kindly my dear lady and hugs right back at you .
    HB aka G.

  3. Hi Poppa ,
    What a resourceful post and very good advice for people that don't think about where their food come from .
    The cubs said Aunty cooked one of her special dinnrs today , I will be over as soon as Lyn wakes up .
    Love you poppa and keep up the good work .

  4. Hello my Precious ,
    Thank you so very much for the very kind words .

    With a spread like this one , I will welcome Thanksgiving , she said she was trying out some different recipes , I said keep them coming .

    The fruitcake is almost drunk (laughing my butt off).

  5. HDad '
    You are the man , I love you food for thought ... you fool me this time , i throught you was goint to post "Take Ten" , but as you say whatever stikes your fancy , I made some Monkey Bread Hahahaha .
    Love you Dad .

  6. Hey dad ,
    Found the monkey bread , it's full of nuts , hurry .

    Good post .
    Your humble son

  7. Poppa , come out to your patio , daddy set a table up for you , he got wine and cheese and monkey bread and grapes and some bbreadsticks . We love you very much poppa .
    wrote by Jonny

  8. My precious grands,

    I adore you all , you put a song in my heart and a smile on my face , I am a very blessed man .

    Thank you , your poppa


Come on in , set awhile and have a cup of tea and cookies , as always you are welcome .