Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gabrielle Giffords : Annouunces Resignation From Congress

Rep. Gabrielle Griffords , the Arizona congresswoman who was nearly killed by a gunman , one year ago , announced Sunday that she'll step down from the U.S. House this week .

Rep. Giffords says she needs to focus on her continued recuperation from last January's shooting .

"Thank you for your prayers and for giving me time to recover ," Giffords says in a video posted on her YouTube Channel . "I have more work to do on my recovery . So to do what is best for Arizona , I will step down this week."

Giffords adds , "I don't remember much from that terrible day , but I will never forget the trust you placed in me to be your voice ."


  1. Gabby will be back in a couple of years . She will be a force to be reckon with .

    She needs to take time off and heal .

  2. I agree with you about Gabrielles' returning .
    Gabrielle represented Arizona well and always spoke in behalf and for the good of her people . She will be sadly missed in Congress .


Come on in , set awhile and have a cup of tea and cookies , as always you are welcome .