Sunday, April 8, 2018




I did not really forget your birthday. But as you know, there are no card shops in the Equatorial Rain Forest, where 
I have been for months, attempting to save the
Monarch Butterfly from extinction.
All the best 
Love Jeannie



  1. Jeannie ,
    Thank you very much , not to late (Wednesday) . Had a quiet one .
    That guy dresses like me ,he can keep the socks , I wear slippers (smiling).
    Thanks you are a sweetheart
    I think you for taking time with my kids .
    A humble and proud father

  2. You are most welcome Mr Humble
    He has good legs, not too hirsute but rather odd shoes. You have reason to be proud of your kids. They are pretty awesome.
    And yes I am a sweetheart.
    Friendly sweet Shadow


Come on in , set awhile and have a cup of tea and cookies , as always you are welcome .